Five Things To Know About Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

In this hectic world, most of the women heard about PCOS many women affected by it. During the menstrual cycle, women undergoes so many physical and emotional barriers. They usually think that these are all common pain that occurs on period time but the realness behind every pain is not the common, the reason behind some of the pain is PCOS. Cramps, headaches, acne, bloating are caused because of PCOS and there will be a difference between PCOS and severe painful period. Let’s see what are all the things you need to know about PCOS.

Common health issue

PCOS is affected in one of ten women regardless of age, lifestyle, health conditions etc. Till now the reason for the occurrence of PCOS is not found as it is caused by both genetical and other reasons. If you feel something wrong in your period then go to the hospital, test your hormone level and take medications to get the hormones in the balanced level.

Complex to diagnose and treat

To diagnosePCOS there is no one test available in the medical field. For each symptom, you have to go to a different specialist. For acne, you may go to dermatology and for irregular periods you may visit gynaecologist but they will not ask about your other symptoms. So it’s your responsibility to mention all your symptoms, even though your doctor mainly focused on one of the symptoms to provide the treatment.

It not only causes painful period but also

PCOS generally occurs due to hormonal imbalances in women that leads to numerous physical and mental side effects. As your ovaries prepare many types of hormones which definitely affects the growth and release of eggs during ovulation process. Because of this women’s eggs are not discharged from their ovaries and results in the formation of small cysts inside the uterus. PCOS results in painful periods apart from this, some other symptoms are irregular periods, heavy bleeding, fatigue, acne, infertility etc.

PCOS is the major cause of infertility

Many women don’t even aware of PCOS until they have difficulty in getting pregnant and their irregular periods are significant causes of infertility. If you have not to get periods every month then you are not ovulating regularly that leads to your chances of getting pregnant goes down. To overcome this take infertility treatment in Nellore as they will help you obtain your cycle every month regularly.

It’s not similar as endometriosis

Women’s pelvic and vaginal conditions are severely affected day by day due to their intimate time. There is a lot of confusion between PCOS and endometriosis. They are not similar to the symptoms are totally different and affect different reproductive parts. Endometriosis too affects your pelvic region like PCOS and linked with the imbalance of hormones. Endometriosis is stated as an enormous development of endometrial lining and women with this health issue suffers from severe pelvic pain. The possibility of having both PCOS and endometriosis conditions in women is rare.


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