Do Uterine Fibroids Affect Fertility?

In this hectic modern world, 20 to 50 % of women are affected by fibroids during their childbearing age. One of the fine news is that most of the fibroids don’t require treatment. While many people have a fear of fibroids and fertility, but there are some of the additional risks and are treatable.

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are termed as unbridled growth that has muscle cells and fibroid tissues that develops a huge mass inside the uterus. They are not cancerous tumours. In this case, most of the female don’t even know they have fibroids. If you become conceive by having uterine fibroids, you may face some difficulties.

Types of uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids can be developed inside or outside or within the uterine walls.
Four types of uterine fibroids are
  1. Intramural – Tissue grows within the uterus wall
  2. Subserosal – Muscle grows under the lining of the uterus
  3. Submucosal – Develops on the outer uterus wall
  4. Pedunculated – Develops on either inside or outside of the uterus

Symptoms of Uterine Fibroid

Numerous women don’t even aware of uterine fibroids until they have an ultrasound test. Most of the time fibroids don’t cause any symptoms. Some may have symptoms like
  • Long menstrual cycles
  • Bleeding occurs between periods and irregular periods
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Pelvic pain
  • Leg and lower back pain
  • Frequent urination

Do fibroids affect fertility?

Majority of women will normally get pregnant even if they have uterine fibroids. Now the location and size of the fibroids will decide whether it influences your fertility or not.

Fibroids may influence fertility in numerous ways
  • Distort cervix and uterus, adversely affecting gamete motion
  • It blocks fallopian tubes
  • Creates complexities in the receptivity of the uterus lining

Can you able to conceive if you have fibroids in uterus?

Off course, most of the female who is having uterine fibroids can get conceive naturally. Numerous women with fibroids will be affected by infertility issue, but it is advisable to consult with best lady gynecology doctor in Nellore.

Can fibroids lead to miscarriage?

Yes, fibroids may result in a higher chance of miscarriage. But women with fibroids and without fibroids have the same risk of miscarriage.

Do fibroids affect pregnancy?

Once you get conceived most of the doctor prefers to monitor the fibroids and avoids removing them because it may cause risk to the fetus.

During pregnancy, many numbers of female do not get difficulties, but some may experience abdominal pain with light vaginal bleeding. In order to manage this symptom doctor will give low dose pain reliever, rest etc.

Some of the rare risks can occur due to the severity of fibroids, they are
  • Issues in fetel growth
  • Placental problems
  • Fetal abnormalities
  • Heavy bleeding after childbirth

C-section delivery is ordinary among female with fibroids. This is specifically true if your uterine fibroids quickly grow in size after pregnancy begins. 


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