What Are The Fear You Experience, When You Don’t Get Pregnant?

Most of the couple get fear of infertility issue when they are not able to get pregnant. There may be a possibility of medical reasons for not getting conceived. For each couple, the time taken to attain pregnant may significantly vary. If takes longer duration and still you are getting pregnant then you have to visit best Lady gynecology Doctor in Nellore as she will advise you to take certain tests and through that, you will come to know the reason. The various medical reasons that stop you to get pregnant are PCOS, endometriosis, amenorrhea, less AMH levels for women. For men, it will be less sperm motility, testicular varicocele, azoospermia etc. This medical reasons can be cured if you go to the good Infertility Hospital in Nellore.

Female infertility medical causes are

The absence of menstruation is termed as the amenorrhea. Women may experience this situation during pregnancy, menopause or specific types of contraception. This problem occurs due to stress, heavy exercise, depression etc. Aside this can also be occurred because of hormonal imbalances like thyroid, PCOS or menopause.

Less AMH
Low Anti-Mullerian Hormone levels result in decreased egg reserve and can maximize the risk for the couple to struggle in getting pregnant.

The most common infertility problem occurs in the female is the PCOS. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is the small cysts like ovaries that don’t pass into the fallopian tubes and remains on the ovary surface. This PCOS may cause irregular periods and develops hormonal imbalance issues. PCOS symptoms may vary for different women and fertility treatment are available to cure this condition.

The endometriosis is an important fertility issue in which the lining of the womb is appeared outside of the womb. The causes of this issue are not known clearly and endometriosis leads to complexities in getting conceived.

Male infertility medical causes are

Less Sperm Motility
Less Sperm motility is the low sperm movement that affects many couples to struggle in attaining pregnant. This is vital because the sperm has to move efficiently via the female reproductive system to fertilize the egg. Besides the low sperm count also results in infertility problem. To get rid of this problem men have to undergo a semen analysis to identify the quantity and quality of the sperm.

Testicular Varicocele
Testicular Varicocele is the basic issue that results in less semen quality and quantity. In this issue, the scrotum becomes big because of inappropriate blood flow. This health problem will not give any symptoms but if you plan to have a baby, you have to consult the doctor to check it out because the low semen count affects fertility.

Few numbers of men affected by azoospermia that is the total lack of sperm due to sperm blockage in the genital area. There is also specific male infertility treatment available for azoospermia. After the treatment, if they couldn’t able to generate sperm then they can look for sperm donation.

Andal Fertility clinic offers an excellent fertility treatment for male and female. For more details click here.


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