Tips For Pregnant Women During COVID 19 Pandemic

During this COVID-19 pandemic, everyone should be careful especially, if you’re pregnant women, then you need to take extra care about your health. As we all know, the coronavirus can easily spread through into the air when a person who has COVID-19 coughs or sneezes. It can also spread if you touch a surface infected by a person who has the virus. Many research people are working hard to learn more information about the new coronavirus as well as its effect on our daily lives and undeniably on pregnant women too.

The current, positive assessments of the new coronavirus are published online on March month in The Lancet, of nine pregnant women in their third trimester in China who had affected pneumonia by COVID-19. But none of those women developed severe illness, and all of their children were born healthy. The infection doesn’t pass to the fetal appears, and there is no proof of any fetal defects or effects due to maternal infection with COVID-19.

It is very important for pregnant women because they have all the responsibilities for the care of their unborn baby. That is the reason you should perfectly protect yourself and your baby by taking some precautions than normal at this COVID-19 period.

Follow the prevention steps

Pregnant women are advised to follow some precautions to prevent themselves from COVID 19 strain infection. The precaution elements of this are:

Try to stay at home always until there is any medical emergency. If you need to consult your doctor for minor queries, better consult them over calls. Cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief or tissue whenever you sneeze or cough, and dispose of the used tissue immediately. Maintain a social distance of at least one meter with people both inside and outside the house.

Ensure the necessary precautions

Avoid the new visitors to the home, including maids, cooks, cleaning staff, etc. to only necessary conditions, if possible. Wash your hand frequently using soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub for a minimum of 20 seconds. Do not use alcohol-based hand sanitizer in your kitchen.

Know about the infection

As a pregnant woman, you have to be very careful about your health, and you should check whether you have any potential symptoms of coronavirus and regular flu symptoms. If you have any symptoms, including fever, respiratory symptoms, or possibly even diarrhea, then you can call your health provider. You should monitor your temperature if you have been contacted with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Get enough sleep

If you are pregnant, then you should keep your body and mindfully active and energetic. To keep the mind and body active, you have to get enough sleep each day. Many studies have been proved that getting enough sleep every day can increase our body immunity power. If you have good immunity power, then you can easily avoid most of your health issues. Besides, getting enough sleep is very important for the baby growing inside your womb.

Balanced diet

During your pregnancy period, you will have low immunity power, which makes pregnant women face many transmissible illnesses. So the future mothers need to have a nutritious diet. Whatever you consume during your pregnancy period, your baby also gets the same nutrients from you. You should take a balanced diet to provide proper nutrition to your baby during pregnancy. So don’t delay, start to plan a diet chart with your specialist help, and eat a diet according to it.


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