How Your Diet May Affect PCOS?

PCOS is a polycystic ovary syndrome caused by excess production of androgen hormones which results in irregular period or stop of menstruation. 
The symptoms female may get due to this PCOS issue are

  • Obesity
  • Male pattern baldness
  • Facial acne
  • Irregular periods
  • Heavy stomach pain

Follow the below-given tips to get recover from PCOS and also visit best lady gynecology doctor in Nellore to get the further suggestion.

The diet that affects PCOS

Female who suffer from PCOS has a huge level of insulin produced in the pancreas. This insulin assists your body cell to convert glucose into energy. If this insulin is not developed properly then there will be an increase in your sugar level. This enhancement in insulin leads to produce more androgen which leads to the formation of small cysts in the female ovaries.
This insulin resistant also results in overweight issue which makes harder for women to lose weight. So in taking of more carbohydrates foods like sugar foods, starch content food affects insulin and makes complex to lose weight.

Important diets to get recover from PCOS

Start consuming fiber content foods as they help to fight against insulin resistant and thus minimize sugar level in the blood

·   Foods that contain high fiber level are
·   Whole grains, lentils, barley, whole wheat foods etc.
·   Fruits such as papaya, pomegranate, avocados, berries, melon, orange etc.
·   Vegetables like carrots, beans, cauliflower, beetroots, broccoli etc.

Apart from fiber content food, other healthy diets for PCOS are
  •    Fish that contains omega fatty acids like salmon and sardines
  •     Tomatoes, almonds, spinach etc.
Foods to avoid for PCOS 

  • Completely avoid the consumption of high carbohydrate foods, sugary desserts, bakery snacks, unhealthy drinks, red meats, etc.
  • Noodles, pasta, white flour as it contains low fiber and rich in carbohydrate. 
  • Try to avoid sugar and sugar added drinks like juice, soda as it contains enormous carbohydrate content in it.

Some of the lifestyle changes to get rid of PCOS are
  • Due to modern lifestyle and technological growth, people forget to do any physical activities.
  • So do regular exercise, walking as these physical movement leads to get recover from insulin resistant.
  • Most of the experts suggest going 40minutes of walk per day.
  •  Another significant factor to avoid is stress which is highly connected with PCOS. So follow stress reduction workouts like yoga, meditation that calm downs your souls and leads to a peaceful lifestyle. 
  •  By doing regular activities, in taking low sugar content will eventually help to lose weight. Female experience improvisation in their ovulation during weight loss, so exercise is much important for women to get recover from PCOS.


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