Signs Of Male Infertility

Male infertility issue is related to health issues in a man which lowers the chances of his female partner to get pregnant. Around 15 out of 100 couples can't get pregnant with unprotected sex and male infertility problem. In over four of infertility cases, the issue is with the man. The problem begins with the man’s sperm production or sperm delivery.

What is male infertility?

Having a baby is basically a normal and natural process. However, for some people, it can be difficult to get pregnant due to some reasons. For a male, their fertility basically depends on the quality and quantity of your sperm. If the sperm count is low or if it is in poor quality, it will be difficult for you to get pregnant. In some cases, it is impossible for you to get pregnant.

If you are trying to get pregnant after trying 12 months and you’ve been having sex at least thrice a week, then you should see your infertility doctor. If you know the reasons that could have an influence on your chances of conceiving a baby, it is best for you to seek help from the doctor earlier on. Both you and your partner should test for a reproductive issue at the same time.

How common is infertility?    

Infertility problem is a common thing around the world. It can happen to anyone, for about 25% of childless couples, the problem is only within the male partner. For about 35% of couples, the problem is in both men and women. Hence, 2 out of 100 men have no sperm at all, so they cannot get pregnant.

The symptoms of male infertility

Mostly the male infertility issues don’t show any obvious signs or anything. A man with infertility problems doesn’t have difficulty in having sex, ejaculation, and erections, and their semen will look normal to the bare eye. Only the medical test can show you the problem of infertility in men.

Reason for male infertility

Male infertility caused because of the issues that affect sperm protection or how sperm travels. This problem can be treated or identified through medical tests. About 2 out of 3 infertility men have a problem where they produce low count sperm, or unhealthy sperm, or sperm that don’t work properly.

One out of four infertility men faces other physical problems, including they might have a vasectomy but now try to have kids. Obstructions (otherwise called Blockages) in the tubes leading from the testicles to the penis can stop you from exclaiming sperm.

Other less common causes of infertility include:

Sometimes, a male fertility problem comes through a genetic disorder.

One in 100 infertile couples faces the sexual problems that affect whether semen is able to enter the vagina.

One in 100 infertile men are facing low levels of hormones problem which controller in the brain that affects the testicles.

In some cases, Sperm antibodies will not affect the men’s chances to get pregnant, but at the same time, it can reduce men’s fertility.

Treatments for men infertility

Prevent before it happens – stay away from harmful chemicals and do not work where you may affect your fertility. Meet the best infertility doctors and tell them if you have had hormone treatment or any other surgery when you are a child.

Andal Fertility Clinic in Nellore provides the best treatment for both male and female fertility problems. For further details, contact them immediately.


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